New to investing?
Our financial advisers offer appropriate financial advice for your circumstances.
Why own investments?
The simple answer is inflation. It is usually vital that savings keep pace with inflation, otherwise on paper your capital might be growing but its purchasing power is diminishing. If your savings can grow at a higher rate than inflation, you will require less savings in the first instance, or they will last longer during retirement.
What are investments?
If you require capital in three to five years, cash is a suitable option, as it is low risk, relatively secure and provides liquidity. However, the low returns won’t combat inflation. Below are the three main asset class alternatives for medium- or long-term investment, normally between 5-10 years.
Why get independent financial advice
There are risks associated with investing but owning tax efficient investment products in a combination of cash, equities, fixed interest, and property diversifies your portfolio and is often the most effective way to invest. For personalised financial advice contact your local independent financial adviser.
A way to purchase a small piece of a company and share in the company profits. Companies usually reinvest some profits for future growth and pay shareholders a dividend. Our advisers add value by selecting investments from the entire market including active and passive fund solutions and sustainable investment options.
Fixed Interest Investments
Government Gilts and high-quality Investment Grade Corporate Bonds are a way for the Government (Gilts) and Corporations (bonds) to borrow. They are issued for a fixed term and offer a fixed level of interest (coupon), usually at a higher rate than cash. They won’t beat inflation but can earn more interest than cash whilst taking a low level of risk.
Residential and commercial property can appreciate over time. It can also generate an income (buy-to let residential or as a commercial landlord). Therefore, it can be effective as an asset to beat inflation but can also go through periods of decline, and at these times it can be relatively illiquid.
As an independent financial adviser Lonsdale Services has a responsibility to provide the most appropriate independent financial advice to our wealth management and benefit customers, at an acceptable fee base that is agreed before we offer independent financial advice. Corporate social responsibility is an important part of the Lonsdale Services culture. We are committed to offering our customers the best possible independent financial advice and customer service. We always look after our customer’s best financial interests and treat our customers fairly. How we interact and treat our employees, customers and the local community is important to us.”
Meet your local investment planning experts
Our experienced independent financial advisers deliver high quality independent financial advice both now and throughout your life from accessible local offices. As we are not biased towards any provider, our cost-effective investment planning advice puts your financial interests first. We offer holistic financial advice based on our core values of integrity, reliability and value for money.

Need investment planning advice?
If you are new to investing and would like a free initial financial planning consultation review, complete the form below, or contact our St Albans, Barnet, Harpenden, Leeds & Bradford, Stafford, Ringwood, Ware or Chippenham office.