Daniel Stansall
Daniel Stansall qualifies as a Financial Consultant
Thursday 20 November, 2014
In November 2014 Daniel Stansall qualified as a Financial Consultant when he passed the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning, the benchmark qualification for financial advisers.
Daniel joined Lonsdale Wealth Management in March 2014 and has learnt how the business operates and met clients by shadowing other consultants in the North London office.
Following the birth of his second child Daniel decided to leave his City career where he had traded financial derivatives for ten years and retrain as a financial adviser. He left the City and the 11 hour working days behind to focus on readjusting his work/life balance so he could spend more time with his young family.
Daniel said: ‘I made the right decision to retrain as a Financial Consultant as I enjoy the challenge of ensuring our client’s financial affairs are arranged as efficiently as possible. I am delighted to pass the diploma and now be qualified to give financial advice. I have an analytical mind which should reassure clients that their financial affairs are being looked after in the best possible way.’
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