Golfer Simon Prestcote and friends celebrate after their 100 in 1 day challenge

Simon Prestcote and his golf partners
Golfer Simon Prestcote and friends raise over £17,500 for charity
Thursday 15 July, 2021
On 30th June four of us undertook the 100 in 1 day challenge, fund raising for Cancer Research, Young Minds and Flori’s Friends Animal Rescue by playing 100 holes of golf in one day.
Having lost several close family members to cancer, I wanted to find a way to help, and was meaning to do a fundraising event for several years now. Indeed, I had a sneaky suspicion that at my age (50ish), with dodgy knees, and a bit of extra lockdown weight, that I might have delayed it a couple of years too many.
What is the 100 in 1 day challenge?
I can't run a marathon (bad knees!) but I knew I could give a golf marathon a shot (most likely a few hundred shots). So, on June 30th four of us undertook the 100 in 1 day challenge, to play 100 holes (an extension of the more common 72-hole challenge) within daylight hours on one of the hillier golf courses in North London – Hadley Wood.
In the end we managed to complete the 100 holes in 16 hours 45 minutes, having started at first light (4.30am). It certainly was some challenge, both mentally and physically. I love golf, but the thought of having to play another 46 holes after completing the first 3 rounds (the most I had ever played in a day before) was quite tough. Fortunately, the weather was kind – not too hot, not too cold – and the competition between the four of us kept us going, with only three shots separating us over 100 holes!
Simon Prestcote raises almost £8,000 for Cancer Research
Thank you to everyone who sponsored us. To date I have raised over £7,900 for cancer research. Many of you will have been directly affected by cancer, and many more will. Indeed, one of the side effects of the pandemic is the drop in the number of people being treated for cancer (down 40,000 in the UK alone in 2020). The money I raise will help fund life-saving research and to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
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