Pension Regulator Auto Enrolment letter to Small and Micro Businesses.
Small and micro businesses to receive Pension Regulator Auto Enrolment letter
Monday 2 February, 2015
In January 2015 The Pension Regulator confirmed that as part of a campaign to support smaller companies with auto enrolment they will write to 1.5 million addresses across the UK from February 2015. By summer 2015 they hope that all these businesses will know their staging date so these businesses can focus on auto enrolling before 2017. Research from The Pension Regulator confirms that many of these companies are still unaware when they are due to stage.
Richard Porter, Director at Lonsdale Benefit Consultants said: ‘The Pension Regulator already write to companies twelve months before their staging date, but this employer mail out is in addition to the normal communication. The Pension Regulator is right to be concerned that smaller companies are not prepared for auto enrolment as the auto enrolment process is complicated and requires a great deal of employer time.’
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