Protecting Vulnerable Customers
We train colleagues so they recognise anyone living in vulnerable circumstances.
Supporting Vulnerable Customers
We aim to identify and assist customers who may be considered vulnerable by virtue of their age, disability, or other circumstances. We have a Lonsdale Services Vulnerable Customer Policy. Our Lonsdale Services Customer Charter also recognises vulnerability. In 2021 Lonsdale Services won the Best Adviser firm for Vulnerable Customer Care at the National Professional Adviser Awards.
Identifying Vulnerability
We provide vulnerable customer training to all our colleagues. Our Lonsdale vulnerable customer group provides guidance on new regulations, so we always put our customers’ interests first. Lonsdale Services shows a commitment to understanding vulnerable customers by being a member of SOLLA – Society of Later Life Advisers. Allan Ross our independent financial adviser in Ware is SOLLA accredited.
Lonsdale Services was the first financial adviser in Hertfordshire to become a corporate partner of the Alzheimer’s Society. We have two Dementia Champions who have trained other colleagues and we have a Dementia Friend in most of our offices. Lonsdale colleagues have raised over £10,000 for the Alzheimer’s Society in several organised fundraising activities.
Meet your financial advisers
Our experienced independent financial advisers deliver high quality independent financial advice both now and throughout your life from accessible local offices. As we are not biased towards any provider, our cost-effective investment planning advice puts your financial interests first. We offer holistic financial advice based on our core values of integrity, reliability and value for money.

Book a free initial consultation
If you would like a free initial financial planning review, complete the form below, or contact our St Albans, Barnet, Harpenden, Leeds & Bradford, Stafford, Ringwood, Ware or Chippenham office.