Simon Hawker
Managing Director & Financial Adviser, St Albans, Hertfordshire
After graduating from University with a BA (Hons) in Applied Social Science Simon spent six years working for National Provident Institution, where he managed a team of corporate pension consultants. In 1998 he joined Bradstock Group PLC as an Employee Benefit Consultant, specialising in providing financial advice to companies requiring employee benefit solutions.
In 2003 Simon established Lonsdale Services Limited. In 2017 Lonsdale Services won the Retirement Planner Award (RPA) Outstanding Customer Care award and the RPA for Best Individual Pension Advice firm in the South East and Anglia in 2018. In 2021 Lonsdale Services won the Best Adviser firm for Vulnerable Client Care at the 2021 National Professional Adviser Awards.
Financial Planning
Simon is a corporate Benefits and Compliance specialist and an experienced independent financial adviser. In August 2015 Simon passed the Chartered Institute of Insurance (R08) Pensions Update examination, ensuring he is qualified to give retirement advice on current pension legislation.
A Little
About Simon
Simon’s profession enables him to enjoy cycling, kayaking, and walking with his family. Simon encouraged Lonsdale Services to support the Alzheimer’s Society. In 2018 Lonsdale Wealth Management became the first financial adviser in Hertfordshire to become a corporate partner of Alzheimer’s Society.
In June 2018 Simon Hawker joined other Lonsdale colleagues on the Trek26 Alzheimer’s Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. The team raised over £3,457 for Alzheimer’s Society. In 2021 Simon was part of a Lonsdale team that walked the 100km Cotswold Way Challenge. To date Lonsdale Services has raised over £10,000 for the Alzheimer’s Society.
Need financial advice?
Contact our Lonsdale Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) in St Albans, Hertfordshire on 01727 845500 or complete the form below to book a free financial planning initial consultation.

Find the St Albans office
3 Curo Park, Frogmore, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DD